The local referential of a nucleotide, and thus of a nitrogen base, is defined by a Cartesian coordinate system whose position, relative to the base, can be computed from its atomic coordinates (see Figure 3.1). The local referential of a nucleotide can be defined arbitrarily, but must be identical for each type of nucleotide. Let be the unit vector between coordinates of atom N1 and C2 in pyrimidines, and N9 and C4 in purines. Let be the unit vector between coordinates of atom N1 and C6 in pyrimidines, and N9 and C8 in purines. Then, the unit vector of the Cartesian coordinate system lies in the direction given by the sum , the unit vector is oriented along the cross product , and the unit vector , following the right hand rule for a Cartesian coordinate system, is given by . The relative positions of local referentials can be expressed using homogeneous transformation matrices (HTM), which were first developed in the field of geometry [20], and later extensively used in computer graphics and robotics. HTMs encode, in the form of a 4x4 matrix, the geometric operations needed to transform objects in 3-D space from one local referential to another. In the base-base interaction context, a HTM describes the relation by a composition of a translation and a rotation between the two local referentials of the involved nitrogen bases.
Let and be the local referentials of nucleotides and as expressed relative to the global referential centered at the origin, . The spatial relation between and is then given by the HTM (see Figure 3.1). In a molecular modeling context such as implemented in MC-Sym [19], this relation can be reproduced and the atomic coordinates of nucleotide relative to nucleotide computed by applying the transformation obtained by the matrix product to the absolute atomic coordinates of . In a similar way, the atomic coordinates of relative to can be computed by applying the inverse transformation to the absolute coordinates of . It is worth noting here that , that is the inverse of the transformation extracted between and , is equivalent to the one that would have been extracted between and .