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Mc-Sym 3.3.2 Order information

The Mc-Sym package may be sold different ways: per machine basis (one or several machines), per subdomain (one or several subdomains) or domain basis.

To get the full Mc-Sym version, download the demo version, fill the License Agreement (ps, pdf), and return it with your check, international money order or wire transfer payable to Université de Montréal:

François Major
Laboratoire de Biologie Informatique et Théorique
DIRO, Université de Montréal,
C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-ville,
Montréal (Québec) Canada
H3C 3J7

you'll receive a key to unlock the demo version.

Funds from licensing Mc-Sym help carrying further development, research and user support by the authors of the software.

License Type Industrial Academic
machine $US 975 $US 375
subdomain $US 1950 $US 750
domain $US 3900 $US 1500

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© 2004 Laboratoire de Biologie Informatique et Théorique