
A CTransfoFG fragment generator places a fragment in space (the Target) relatively to an already placed residue (the Reference ). This is not a closed FG: it depends on the Reference. The Target can be any closed FG.

connect (<connectDescription>+)

 <connectDescription>     =       <residueId1> <residueId2> <properties> <set size>  

This command defines the relations that will be used to place residues adjacent in the sequence. If <residueId1> and <residueId2> are not adjacent, the relation will be applied to each successive pair of residues in the interval. The second rule is used to specify residue specific properties (useful only to specify the residues faces involved in adjacent pairings).


   A11  A16  { helix }     1
   A16  A19  { stack }     50%
   A19  A20  { ! stack }   30
   A20  A21  { stack }     20
   A21  A26  { helix }     100%
