
The MC-SYM parser is a simple interface between the user and the MC-SYM software. It provides a simple syntax to describe modeling problems. Basically, a modeling problem is described by a MC-SYM script. Such a script consists of a sequence of MC-SYM declarations in an ASCII file. The parser itself is an interpreter that translates script declarations into internal objects. The following section describe the syntax of MC-SYM scripts.

MC-SYM must know the location and name of it's database file ( mcsym_db-3.x.x.bin.gz), the location of the cache file and the location of the license data file. To set these informations you need to modify your .cshrc or .profile file by defining some environment variables. Here are some examples, taken that you installed the MC-SYM package in your home directory (/home/foo):





setenv MCSYM_DB           /home/foo/mcsym3/mcsym_db-3.4.2.bin.gz
setenv MCSYM_CACHE_DIR    /home/foo/mcsym3
setenv MCSYM_LICENSE_NAME /home/foo/mcsym3/license.dat
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH    "/home/foo/mcsym3/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"


mcsym [-Vh] [-v [level]] [-j n] [file]

The '-h' option displays the synopsys. The verbose level can be selected from the command line via the -v [level] option parameter. It's argument level is optionnal, which defaults to level 3. Level 0 means no output; increasing the value will raise the verbosity. The ' -V' option prints the package name and version. The -j n parameter controls the number of child processes launch in probabilistic parallel search. The file is the location and name of the script file. If file is not present, MC-SYM enters in interactive mode where you can type commands or load MC-SYM scripts.
