This is the installation file for MC-Sym 3.3.2. This file describes how to install MC-Sym 3.3.2 on your system. For further details on MC-Sym, please refer to the user manual (UserManual.pdf) in this directory. Installation method differs according to your machine's operating system. MC-Sym is distributed for 2 kinds of machine/OS; the installation procedure follows for each of these types: i386/Red Hat Linux , sgi/IRIX 6.5 and Sun/SunOS 5.9 1. Uncompress and untar the file using: gunzip < mcsym-3.3.2.tar.gz | tar xf - 2. Move the mcsym-3.3.2 directory that has been created in /usr/local for a general distribution or in your home directory for personal distribution. 3. Any user who wants to use MC-Sym 3.3.2 should define the following environment variables: o MCSYM_CACHE_DIR to contain the path where the cache file will be created, this directory must be readable and writable by yourself. o MCSYM_DB to contain the path and name of the database file. This package contains the database mcsym_db-3.12.5.bin.gz. o MCSYM_LICENSE_NAME to contain the path and name of the license file. The license key can be put in the license.dat file provided with this package. o LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the shared libraries given with mcsym. 4. Make sure that the bin directory inside the mcsym-3.3.2 directory is also added to the PATH variable of the interested users. This modification should also be included in the .profile or in .cshrc. For example in sh language: MCSYM_CACHE_DIR=/home/user MCSYM_DB=/usr/local/mcsym-3.3.2/mcsym_db-3.12.5.bin.gz MCSYM_LICENSE_NAME=/usr/local/mcsym-3.3.2/license.dat LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mcsym-3.3.2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH PATH=/usr/local/mcsym-3.3.2/bin:$PATH export MCSYM_CACHE_DIR MCSYM_DB MCSYM_LICENSE_NAME PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH in csh language: setenv MCSYM_CACHE_DIR /home/user setenv MCSYM_DB /usr/local/mcsym-3.3.2/mcsym_db-3.12.5.bin.gz setenv MCSYM_LICENSE_NAME /usr/local/mcsym-3.3.2/license.dat setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/local/mcsym-3.3.2/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/local/mcsym-3.3.2/bin"